HARRISBURG – Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41) today applauded the Third Circuit Court ruling upholding Pennsylvania State law that voters must date a mail-in ballot in order for it to be accepted:
“Safeguarding elections in Pennsylvania has been chief among concerns voiced by voters, election officials and good government advocates over the past several years. The first step in providing for safe and secure elections is upholding our laws which are already in place. While Pennsylvania’s election law states that any mail-in ballot must be signed and dated, in recent elections we have witnessed undated ballots being accepted and counted by some counties.
“The decision by the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the requirement that any mail-in ballot be dated is a significant step forward, protecting the integrity of our electoral process and bringing clarity for each of our 67 counties across the commonwealth. Uniformity and consistency must be in place for all Pennsylvania voters.
“Protecting our constitutional right to free and fair elections and restoring voter confidence in the process continue to be key areas of focus for Pennsylvania Senate Republicans.”
Media Contact: Kate Eckhart Flessner kflessner@pasen.gov